Spine Sonnet

about     sample poems     movie clip

spine sonnet

Spine Sonnet is a random poem generator that creates 14 line poems (sonnets) from the titles of art monographs, art theory, art and architectural history and art criticism books. The titles are drawn from a database of over 2500 books and represent the partial inventory of Art Catalogues, DAP and Jody Zellen's personal library.

single tap to create a new poem
double tap for about screen

poem options:
text in white on black

text in multiple colors and fonts

concept and design:
jody zellen

oleksandr grygorash

source text:
Art Catalogues

This project began as an Artists Respond commission by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and was initially developed as a web based project. To read an interview about the project please visit the LACMA Blog.

Click here to view the spine sonnet website.

Thanks to Amy Heibel for inviting me to create an Artists Respond project and for introducing me to Oleksandr Grygorash who developed this iPhone App. I also want to thank Dagney Corcoran at Art Catalogues and Cory Reynolds, Sharon Gallagher and Skuta Helgason at DAP for providing me with their inventory lists.