January 2020
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Protesters Attack U.S. Embassy in Iraq, Chanting ‘Death to America’
January 1, 2020
Pro-Iranian Protesters End Siege of U.S. Embassy in Baghdad
January 2, 2020
U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces
January 3, 2020
U.S. and Iran Exchange More Threats as Democrats Question Timing of Strike
January 4, 2020
As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure
January 5, 2020
Successor to Slain Iranian General Vows Revenge: Live Updates
January 6, 2020
Khamenei Wants to Put Iran’s Stamp on Reprisal for U.S. Killing of Top General
January 7, 2020
Iran Fires on U.S. Forces at 2 Bases in Iraq, Calling It ‘Fierce Revenge’
January 8, 2020
Trump Backs Away From Further Military Conflict With Iran
January 9, 2020
Iranian Missile Accidentally Brought Down Ukrainian Jet, Officials Say
January 10, 2020
Iran Says It Unintentionally Shot Down Ukrainian Airliner
January 11, 2020
Seven Days in January: How Trump Pushed U.S. and Iran to the Brink of War
January 12, 2020
Iran Cracks Down as Protests Over Downing of Airliner Grow
January 13, 2020
Iran’s Grim Economy Limits Its Willingness to Confront the U.S.
January 14, 2020
Documents Provide New Details of Trump’s Pressure Campaign on Ukraine
January 15, 2020
Impeachment Managers Deliver Charges to Senate, Paving the Way for Trial
January 16, 2020
Senate Opens Trump Impeachment Trial as New Ukraine Revelations Emerge
January 17, 2020
Trump Legal Team Adds Starr and Dershowitz for Senate Trial
January 18, 2020
Trump’s Defense Team Calls Impeachment Charges ‘Brazen’ as Democrats Make Legal Case
January 19, 2020
Democrats Seek More Testimony and Evidence for Impeachment Trial
January 20, 2020
McConnell Pushes to Speed Impeachment Trial as Trump Requests Swift Acquittal
January 21, 2020
Republicans Block Subpoenas for New Evidence as Impeachment Trial Begins
January 22, 2020
In Impeachment Case, Schiff Accuses Trump of Trying ‘to Cheat’ in Election
January 23, 2020
Democrats, Pressing Abuse of Power Case, Delve Into Biden
January 24, 2020
Branding Trump a Danger, Democrats Cap the Case for His Removal
January 25, 2020
Anatomy of a Lie: How Iran Covered Up the Downing of an Airliner
January 26, 2020
Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Inquiries He Sought, Bolton Book Says
January 27, 2020
Bolton Revelations Anger Republicans, Fueling Push for Impeachment Witnesses
January 28, 2020
Trump’s Defense Team Discounts Bolton as Republicans Work to Hold Off Witnesses
January 29, 2020
Republicans Move to Block Impeachment Witnesses, Driving Toward Acquittal
January 30, 2020
Lamar Alexander, Key G.O.P. Senator, Plans to Oppose Move for New Evidence
January 31, 2020